Friday, December 14, 2018

Asiatique Frelons!

What IS that, high up in the tree?

Wait... is that...

OH DEAR... it is


To be specific it is the Asiatique Frelon!  

"Biologists call it "Vespa velutina nigrithorax". Better known as "Asian hornet", this insect appeared first in Bordeaux hiding in pottery imported from China. The Frelon has managed to migrate to all departments in France. Appearing to follow waterways the nests are found primarily near orchards and bees as fruit and honey are the favorite food. 

But it happens that it attacks humans.

This is bad..really bad.

The Asian hornet is very easy to recognize because it is the only wasp in Europe to have such a dark color. The Asian hornet is predominantly black, with a broad orange band on the abdomen and a yellow border on the first segment. His head is orange and his legs are yellow at the ends. It measures between 17 and 32 mm (approx. 1/2" to 1 1/4")
As the name suggests, the species is from Asia. Also found in northern India, China or the mountains of Indonesia.  In just a few years, they spread everywhere in France as well as throughout Spain and Portugal.  This summer (2018) it made its first appearance in England.
This wasn't the first sign of the Asiatique Frelons in Montegut.  The nest below was discovered inside the barn on August 15 and removed a few days later. This nest was about the size of a basketball.

But when this guy flew inside the house we knew it was time to take action. That was a fatal mistake on his part.

The large, 1m x 1/2 m nest in the willow tree has been removed. We are now vigilant and well prepared (with powerful aerosol spray) in our quest to keep Montegut hornet FREE!  

And if you have thanks for reading 

Au Revoir 

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